About us

Historical review

On May 13, 1970, Don Antonio María Sandoval founded Servipan in the city of Valledupar with the challenge of establishing it as a large company and producing high-quality breads, and getting the people of this region to give preference to this product. nourishing, very unappealing until then.

Since its foundation, and in the development of its management, Servipan has proposed to act with a mentality of progress, permanent modernization and continuous improvement, always designing strategic plans in accordance with the new perspectives, projections and challenges that were imposed with the passage of time. years.

The one that was born as a small company dedicated to serving its consumers directly from its Point of Sale in Valledupar, grew to become a bakery industry, which penetrated the local market through a “door-to-door” service system in all the neighborhoods of the city; In this way, it was present throughout the Department of Cesar, and then it reached its neighboring regions: the Departments of Magdalena and La Guajira.

The acceptance towards Servipan became a stimulus to start its expansion process through a new production plant located in the city of Barranquilla. This allowed increasing sales and improving service in all coastal departments: Guajira – Cesar – Magdalena – Atlántico – Bolívar – Sucre – Córdoba and venturing into new channels such as large supermarket chains and institutional clients.

Servipan continues to advance in the modernization of its equipment and machinery, the expansion of its plants and the installation of other distribution centers in strategic cities of the country. All this based on the maintenance of its high quality, constant product innovation and a valuable human resource to move forward with faith and commitment for a region that needs development and sources of employment, key factors for the progress of Colombia.

Our history

Don Antonio María Sandoval, (1920–2002), Santanderiano, of great values and visionary, accompanied by his wife Graciela León de Sandoval, moved to the city of Valledupar in 1970 and founded Servipan. His challenge: to establish it as a large company and produce high-quality breads to ensure that the people of this region gave preference to this food product, very little desired until then.
Towards the beginning of the 1980s, the second generation of the Sandoval family entered, led by his daughter Gloria Sandoval, who assumed the General Management and promoted Servipan towards a new era of leadership. With the support of her sister, Martha Sandoval, they were able to develop strategies that led Servipan to rapidly evolve into the municipalities of the departments of Cesar, Guajira, and Sur de Magdalena.
1991 – 1995
During the 90's the company continues to expand. It entered the cookie category with the launch of one of its leading products, the famous “sandwich cookie”; today known as “Chelitas” in honor of Mrs. Graciela (alias Chelita) León de Sandoval.
2001 - 2005
Constant product innovation is one of Servipan's strategic axes. At the beginning of the millennium, Servipan begins to diversify its line of Sliced Breads, launching the Sliced Butter Bread, Sliced White Bread and Sliced Whole Wheat Bread.
2009 - 2015
Starting in 2009, European techniques began to be incorporated in order to modernize production processes and increase their quality standards. Servipan consolidates its presence at the regional level and becomes the No. 1 bakery industry on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia.
2020 - Futuro
The third generation at the head of Hernan Cuello Sandoval assumes the leadership of Servipan with the commitment to continue with the constant innovation of products, with a valuable human resource and commitment to the development of Colombia.
1979 – 1981
What was born as a small company dedicated to serving its consumers directly from its Point of Sale in Valledupar, rapidly evolves to become a bakery industry, which penetrated the local market through a "store-to-store" service system in all the neighborhoods of the city. Servipan opens its first production plant in the city of Valledupar.
The acceptance of Servipan became a stimulus to start its expansion process in the region through a new production plant located in the city of Barranquilla. This allowed penetrating the market in all coastal departments: Guajira - Cesar - Magdalena - Atlántico - Bolívar - Sucre - Córdoba.
1996 – 2000
Towards the end of the 90's, Servipan introduced its line of snacks, launching the Rosquitas de Queso and Besitos de Queso, very traditional and well-known products from the Caribbean region.
2006- 2008
It enters the Toast category with the launch of Homemade, Wholemeal, Multigrain and Sweet Toast.
2015 - 2019
Servipan continues to advance and in 2016 modernized its production plant in the Atlantic by incorporating state-of-the-art machinery and equipment.
Don Antonio María Sandoval, (1920–2002 ), Santanderiano, de grandes valores y visionario acompañado de su esposa Graciela León de Sandoval , se mudan a la ciudad de Valledupar en el año 1970 y funda Servipan. Su reto: constituirla en una gran empresa y producir panes de alta calidad para lograr que la gente de esta región diera preferencia a este producto alimenticio, muy poco apetecido hasta ese entonces.
1979 – 1981
Lo que nació como una pequeña empresa dedicada a atender a sus consumidores en forma directa desde su Punto de Venta en Valledupar, evoluciona rápidamente a convertirse en una industria panificadora, que penetró en el mercado local mediante un sistema de atención “tienda a tienda” en todos los barrios de la ciudad. Servipan abre su primera planta de producción en la ciudad de Valledupar.
Hacia comienzos de los 80’s, entra la segunda generación de la familia Sandoval, en cabeza de su hija Gloria Sandoval, quien asume la Gerencia General e impulsa Servipan hacia una nueva era de liderazgo. Con el apoyo de su hermana Martha Sandoval lograron desarrollar estrategias que llevaron a Servipan a evolucionar rápidamente a los municipios de los departamentos del Cesar, Guajira y Sur de Magdalena.
La aceptación de Servipan fue convirtiéndose en un estimulante para iniciar su proceso de expansión en la región a través de una nueva planta de producción ubicada en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Esto permitió penetrar en el mercado en todos los departamentos costeños: Guajira – Cesar – Magdalena – Atlántico – Bolívar – Sucre – Córdoba.
1991 – 1995
Durante la década de los 90’s la empresa continúa expandiéndose. Ingresó a la categoría de galletas con el lanzamiento de uno de sus productos líderes, la famosa “galleta de bocadillo”; hoy conocida como “Chelitas” en honor a la Sra Graciela (alias Chelita) León de Sandoval.
1996 – 2000
Hacia finales de los 90’s Servipan introduce su línea de snacks, lanzando las Rosquitas de Queso y Besitos de Queso, productos muy tradicionales y conocidos de la región Caribe.
2001 - 2005
La constante innovación en productos es uno de los ejes estratégicos de Servipan. Comenzando el milenio Servipan empieza a diversificar su línea de Panes Tajados, lanzando el Pan Tajado de Mantequilla, Pan Tajado Blanco y Pan Tajado Integral.
2006- 2008
Se ingresa a la categoría de Tostadas con el lanzamiento de las Tostadas Caseras, Integrales, Multicereales y de Dulce.
2009 - 2015
A partir del 2009, se empiezan a incorporar técnicas europeas con el fin de modernizar los procesos de producción y aumentar sus estándares de calidad. Servipan consolida su presencia a nivel regional y se convierte en la industria panificadora No. 1 de la Costa Caribe de Colombia.
2015 - 2019
Servipan continúa avanzando y en 2016 moderniza su planta de producción en el Atlántico incorporando maquinaria y equipo de última tecnología.
2020 - Futuro
La tercera generación en cabeza de Hernan Cuello Sandoval asume el liderazgo de Servipan con el compromiso de continuar con la constante innovación de productos, con un recurso humano valioso y compromiso por el desarrollo de Colombia.

Our mission

Satisfy the expectations and needs of our clients and consumers, through the manufacture and commercialization of products of the highest quality, through the efficient use of available resources, maintaining high levels of training, safety, health and integral development of our collaborators, based on our honesty, social and environmental responsibility and high competitiveness through the constant modernization of the infrastructure and technology available in the baking industry.

Our vision

In the year 2025 we will have an important recognition in the national market and we will maintain our leadership in the Colombian Atlantic coast, always ensuring the safety, quality and innovation of our products, through effective administration with constant generation of growth and employment, a high commitment to social and environmental responsibility, health and safety of our employees and an outstanding culture of service.

Quality Policies.

At Servipan we work with the highest standards of quality, food safety and a human team that guarantee the quality and safety of our products.

Corporate values

At Servipan we constantly promote the corporate values that identify us, these are:


We act committed to our health and safety, with the legal, technical and other requirements applicable to our products and processes. We always seek to satisfy the needs and expectations of our internal and external clients.

I respect

We recognize the dignity of our fellow men, we accept their rights, differences and virtues.


we act ethically, honestly and transparently.


We do our work with a high level of quality and commitment, in order to achieve the goals set by the organization effectively.


we live with great intensity what we do, our actions are a source of inspiration for others.


we are always looking for great opportunities, we constantly generate new and better ways of doing things.

Corporate principles


We develop all our activities with a sense of belonging and solidarity, always seeking the benefit of our company, we think about the welfare of all, we are willing to share, give and receive.


We carry out our activities always seeking excellence in the process, in the method and in the result.

Effective communication

We carry out our activities always seeking excellence in the process, in the method and in the result.


We always seek to establish the bases, procedures, methods and expected results in our daily work and we adhere to the guidelines outlined.


our ability to dream for the benefit of the organization.

Continuous improvement

Through permanent evaluation, training and training, we achieve that our daily actions allow the company's processes to be competitive.


we always achieve all the objectives of the company in a timely, efficient and effective manner