Our Continues to strengthen the supplier relationship with Grupo Éxito

On November 25, the best of 2015 are awarded

Grupo Éxito will award the winners of the 7th Success Providers Contest, selected from more than 6,000 commercial, administrative and real estate providers of goods and services.

The generation of value, logistics and commercial excellence, its effectiveness and affinity with the values ​​of Grupo Éxito, are some of the criteria that define the best in each category.

92 companies were finalists in 7 categories that delivered 11 distinctions.

The winners receive a diploma and a statuette designed by the sculptor Fernán Arango Sierra, who is also the Head of Internal Logistics Development of Grupo Éxito. The winning company in the main category “Success Provider” will receive an additional 25 million pesos in gift cards.

For the seventh consecutive year, Grupo Éxito has held the Successful Suppliers Contest, an initiative that aims to highlight the Company’s trusted allies in seven categories:

Success Provider: the best of the year.

Successful SMEs: aimed at small and medium-sized companies.

Supplier by business: select the best supplier by business category (Textile, Home, Fresh, Entertainment and Consumer Products).

Sustainable Development: highlights social or environmental tasks in its processes and with the different stakeholders.

Private Label Supplier: best supplier of products developed by Grupo Éxito’s own brands.

Real Estate Ally: best dealer located in the company’s warehouses and shopping centers.

Integrated Purchases: best supplier of supplies, services or products that serve the operation and that are not sold in warehouses.

“The objective of the contest is to highlight the work of the more than 6,000 suppliers that work, both in the supply of products for retail and those for virtual channels, the real estate partners of our warehouses and shopping centers, and the suppliers of goods and administrative services that accompany us with effective solutions, which support our entire operation and management. This challenge of being the leading retail company in Colombia, with more than 7 million customers who give us their preference and trust every day, it is possible to assume it, because we have trusted allies that allow us to grow, dream and fulfill our purposes. , and that is why this event is our way of recognizing them and thanking them for their permanent work, “explains Carlos Ariel Gómez Gutiérrez, Commercial Vice President of Grupo Éxito.

n the seventh edition of the Successful Suppliers Contest, innovation was one of the main criteria when evaluating the participants. Additional variables to consider were the generation of value, logistics and commercial excellence, its effectiveness and affinity with the values ​​of Grupo Éxito, among others. An interdisciplinary committee of the Commercial, Exito Services, and Real Estate Vice Presidencies and the Corporate Affairs Management selected the finalists from more than 6,000 suppliers, distributed in 4,000 commercial suppliers (including 600 Private Label), 1,700 suppliers of goods and administrative services. , and 1,200 real estate providers. Companies such as Porcicarnes, Haceb, Leonisa, Nestlé de Colombia, SC Johnson, Manufacturas Eliot, which have been the winners of the great Success Supplier award, are part of the 48 companies that have been previously awarded in the different categories of the Success Suppliers Contest . On November 25, at a ceremony to be held at the Grupo Éxito Administrative headquarters in Envigado, the 2015 winners will be announced.

Strengthening business partners, a permanent commitment of Grupo Éxito

The Successful Suppliers Contest is part of several strategies and initiatives that the Company develops in conjunction with its allies to, among others, strengthen local purchasing, work together for competitiveness, differentiation and the development of categories, and promote the acquisition of new knowledge.

Buy local:

From 2013 to date, nine Business Rounds have been held for peasant producers. Currently about 83% of purchases of meat, fish, fruits and vegetables are made from local producers.

Differentiation and category development:

In this sense, fairs and events have been positioned in the main cities of the country, with an active participation of suppliers of different categories, such as Expovinos, Carulla es café, Salón del Queso and Picnic Carulla.

Acquisition of new knowledge:

In a consistent way, training projects have been developed in recent years with which hundreds of commercial partners have benefited:

Diploma in Business Strengthening in alliance with the EAFIT University, which seeks to develop managerial and financial culture in companies.

Simplex Seminar: held in France with the aim of learning about the good practices applied by the Casino Group in the development and exhibition of its own brand products, as well as visiting companies in its category, sharing experiences with French colleagues and identifying new products. .

The Private Label Convention: a meeting space for suppliers of this category to receive strategic information from the Company and for the development of its products.

Every year a supplier tour is carried out in various cities of the country to share the Company’s results and the initiatives of the current year.

“Actions like these are the reflection of a relationship that is based on teamwork. We want to be an active part of the construction of the country, the development of society and the growth of those who with drive and perseverance forge its future. This is how we generate relationships of value, trust and growth with our suppliers. We believe in Colombia and that is why 94% of the products we sell in our stores are made in the country. “Carlos Ariel Gómez pointed out.

Successful Suppliers Contest 2015 Finalists

Premio Pyme de Éxito:

Derivados Lácteos del Norte S.A.

Eurocosett S.A.

Funglus S.A.S.

Industrias Chicco Ltda.


Pavos del Campo San José S.A

Productos Alimenticios Doña Lucha


Creaciones Kamuchy


Premio Desarrollo Sostenible:

Casa Luker


Colgate Palmolive

Grupo Nutresa


Hortalizas 1AS

Multiproyectos Industrial S.A

Plásticos Monclat SAS



Premio Proveedor Marca Propia:

Derivados Lácteos del Norte

Productos Alimenticios Doña Lucha

Cooperativa de Productos Lácteos de Nariño

Compañía Industrial de Productos Agropecuarios

Grupo Alimentario del Atlántico

Productos Alimenticios Bary S.A

Fábrica de Bolsas de Papel Unibol



Tisanas Orquídea

Premio Aliado Inmobiliario:

Laboratorios Funat

Mr. Bono

Óptica Colombiana

Café Oma




GTECH Baloto


Natural Light

Premio Proveedor por negocio:


Textiles Swantex S.A.

C.I. Leonisa S.A

Nalsani S.A.S.

Fábrica de Calzado Rómulo

Crystal S.A.S


Manufacturas Eliot

Productos Infantiles S.A.S.

Stilotex S.A.S.

Diversificadora Comercial


Representaciones Pólimes

Tablemac S.A.

Industrias Cannon S.A.

Novedades Plásticas Ltda.

Maluma S.A.S.

Damecos S.A.

Landers Cía S.A.S.

Colombiana de No Tejidos y Aco

Multiproyectos Industrial Ltda

Industrias Spring S.A.


Alimentos Rocha

La Factoría Gourmet S.A.S.

Makand S.A.S.

Setas Colombianas S.A.

Jaimes Bermúdez José María

Comercializadora Internacional

Alimentos Cárnicos S.A.S.

Asobrangus Comercial S.A.

Santa Reyes S.A.S.

Santa Anita Nápoles S.A.





Sempertex de Colombia




Casa Editorial El Tiempo



Productos de Gran Consumo:

Colgate Palmolive






Promotora de Café Colombia

Diageo Colombia

Productos Familia

Procter & Gamble