A small bakery that became a company

This company made in Valledupar was born in 1970, when Antonio María Sandoval Amaya and his wife Graciela León arrived with the desire to contribute something new to the city, something that was not available at that time. This is how this Santander couple created a bakery on Calle 17 with Carrera 9, in the […]
Our Harinera 3 Castillos, Al Pan Pan 6th Edition

Harinera 3 Castillos, brings a special article with the details of the new laboratory of 3 castles and its investments to offer greater quality, in the 6th edition of the magazine Al pan panREAD THE PUBLICATIO
Our Continues to strengthen the supplier relationship with Grupo Éxito

On November 25, the best of 2015 are awarded Grupo Éxito will award the winners of the 7th Success Providers Contest, selected from more than 6,000 commercial, administrative and real estate providers of goods and services. The generation of value, logistics and commercial excellence, its effectiveness and affinity with the values of Grupo Éxito, are […]
Our This is how the development and peace program works in Cesar

Cesar has been a territory particularly hit by violence, which is why nine years ago, after a study that determined the need to implement the Development and Peace Program in this department, which was already being intervened in the south by the PDP of Magdalena Medio, began the intervention of the population of the north […]
Our Money Magazine: The 5,000 largest companies in Colombia

Servipan was ranked No. 23 at the national level in the Food Industry category – PASTA, BAKERY AND GALLETERY (page 3 following table)
Our Prioritize elderly and disabled adults for the delivery of markets in Valledupar

In order to bring aid to the most vulnerable families in Valledupar to mitigate the difficulties presented by Covid-19, the Mayor’s Office has as a priority to deliver markets to the elderly population and people with disabilities. This is why the Municipal Administration conducts a day of inspection and verification in the homes where these […]
Our women are prepared

When a company is born from a family and passes from generation to generation, the key to success to stay in the market is serious and responsible management in daily work, taking on challenges with great dynamics and setting goals that guarantee a good future. (SEE TABLE: GOLDEN MERCURY) This is how Martha Sandoval de […]
Our “We are + Together” to mitigate covid-19

It is an initiative of the Cesar Development and Peace Program that seeks a public-private alliance to face covid-19 in Cesar, La Guajira and El Magdalena. To mitigate the impacts generated by covid-19, the Cesar Development and Peace Program, PDPC, launched the “We are + Together” campaign for our territory in times of crisis, which […]
Our X Version Recognition of Business Merit Julio Villazón Baquero

The recognition of the Business Merit ‘Julio Villazón Baquero’ is an institutional stimulus granted by the Valledupar Chamber of Commerce, since December 2011, with the support of friendly entities and business associations. It consists of a public recognition of those who, with their exemplary business career, serve as inspiration to promising young entrepreneurs in the […]
Barranquilla and Valledupar awarded their entrepreneurs

The Simón Bolívar University presented the award as businessman of the year to the president of the Port of Barranquilla, René Puche Restrepo, while the builder Rubén Carvajal received the same distinction from Mayor Mello Castro. The first ceremony was face-to-face while the Valledupar Chamber of Commerce held the event in compliance with biosafety standards. […]